Preparation for a consultation

Please take into consideration the following steps when preparing for your consultation:

  1. Please advise the team if you are taking a blood thinner or using a wheelchair, as both will affect the date, time and preparation process for your appointment.
  2. Please make sure to do your 2 fleet enemas before your appointment unless explicitly mentioned by the doctor or the booking team.
  3. Wear pants or a skirt/dress that is easy to remove.
  4. Make sure you bring your valid RAMQ or medicare card to the appointment.
  5. You can come either alone or accompanied, as you prefer.
  6. You can take 1 Tylenol and 1 Advil before your appointment.
  7. Some of our patients wear an adult diaper for more comfort and security.
  8. Bring reading material in case the waiting times are higher than anticipated.
  9. If you are coming during the winter season, please bring a second pair of shoes, as we ask all patients to remove their outdoor boots before they walk in.

Friendly, personalized service and expert advice

West Island Colorectal Clinic is your trusted destination for expert care and treatment of rectal and colorectal conditions. Our experienced specialists and state-of-the-art facilities ensure customized solutions for your unique needs. Gain access to compassionate, effective treatment in a judgment-free space.

Struggling with colon or rectal issues?

Let the experts at West Island Colorectal Clinic guide you through personalized diagnostics and treatment options tailored to your needs.

We ensure that every patient feels heard, respected, and cared for and aim to make your journey to better colorectal health a collaborative, supportive, and positive experience.