What is diverticular disease? Infection of small bulges in the colon.

Diverticulas are outpouchings of the colon. Most patients with diverticular disease do not have symptoms. About 10% of patients can develop symptoms related to their diverticula, including pain, inflammation, and infection. Others can develop more severe complications such as life-threatening bleeding, perforations, obstructions, and fistulae.

What are the symptoms of diverticular disease?

  • Abdominal pain, often on the left side
  • Bloating and gas
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Rectal bleeding (severe cases)
  • Fever (may indicate infection)

Who does diverticular disease affect?

Diverticular disease can affect individuals throughout their lives, mainly due to insufficient water and fibre intake. People at risk are often those who do not eat a balanced diet, resulting in constipation or inadequate bowel movements as these can contribute to increased pressure inside the colon, resulting in the outpouchings. Obesity is another considerable risk factor.

Although diverticular disease can have a hereditary component, people with a strong family history can develop the disease, even if they have a healthy lifestyle. It is, therefore, essential to maintain adequate hydration and dietary habits to reduce the risk of diverticular disease.

If you’re facing the discomfort and challenges of Diverticular Disease, it’s time to find relief. We invite you to seek the empathetic support, personalized diagnostics, and advanced treatment options available at West Island Colorectal Clinic.

Your well-being is our foremost priority!

Dr. Christian Zalai talks about our specialized treatment of diverticular disease. With a dual board-certification in colorectal surgery he offers a compassionate approach and personalized treatment plans.

How is diverticular disease treated?

At our clinic, we offer a diverse range of treatments tailored to meet your unique needs. Our colorectal surgeons will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Lifestyle and dietary recommendations

Advice and changes in daily habits and food choices to help manage your condition.


Oral medications

Medications taken by mouth, typically in the form of pills or liquid, to treat and manage conditions internally.


Surgery – laparoscopic colectomy

Minimally invasive surgery using small incisions can be used to remove the diseased colon. Removal of the affected colonic segment can restore intestinal function, treat other complications, and allow proper colonoscopy screening of the remaining colon.


Friendly, personalized service and expert advice

West Island Colorectal Clinic is your trusted destination for expert care and treatment of rectal and colorectal conditions. Our experienced specialists and state-of-the-art facilities ensure customized solutions for your unique needs. Gain access to compassionate, effective treatment in a judgment-free space.

Struggling with colon or rectal issues?

Let the experts at West Island Colorectal Clinic guide you through personalized diagnostics and treatment options tailored to your needs.

We ensure that every patient feels heard, respected, and cared for and aim to make your journey to better colorectal health a collaborative, supportive, and positive experience.